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“Live Look” for AWS Connect using ConnecPath.Cloud!
March 5, 2020
One of the most requested features we hear from clients when using AWS Connect , is the ability to “Cherry Pick” callers from Queue. Unfortunately, at this moment we have not yet developed that option, but we have taken the first step. Using the ConnecPath Dashboard HOME page, each Agent can now see near real time metrics of calls in queue.
Live Look Option on HOME tab of Agent Dashboard-Click for Full Size
Each Agent has a real time display under the HOME tab. This tab offers a number of real time status displays regarding either the global view showing the summary for all queues that agent is a member of, or the Agent can select a specific queue that they may be a member of.
The Queue Stats show summary information about calls Handled, Abandoned, Queued as well as how many inbound, outbound can call back calls were handled by that individual Agent.
“Live Look” lists all callers in the selected queue by Caller ID and the amount of time they have been waiting in queue. This can assist the Agent in smoothing the customer experience when the caller is connected!