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AWS Connect + ConnecPath Quick Start Contact Flows!
March 5, 2020
OK you logged into your AWS Connect Instance, noted the instance Alias and have white listed ConnecPath.Cloud in your instance and are now at the portal. While admin login tab is still open to your instance, bring up another tab in your Chrome browser and fill in your instance ID and login with your AWS credentials. After answering a few setup questions that enable you to set your company name, logo and create a unique agent login URL, ConnecPath will run a Cloudformation template in your AWS user account.
The Cloudformation stack will create a ConnecPath IAM account, create a number of Lambda Functions and also an S3 Bucket for your recordings. The Lambda functions need to be added to your instance under CONTACT FLOWS on the main Connect dashboard before you login to your instance as administrator.
ConnecPath expects these lambda functions to be in your Contact flows and to help you model this, we have provided several “quick start” scripts that you can modify and use to take full advantage of the ConnecPath feature sets that enable Holiday Checks, Ad-Hoc closing with new closed prompt message to callers, Recording download and playback.
CLICK =>Registered Members can down load the 5 quick start scripts are bundled as:
- Error Handler (modify to fit your model, but this is the ERROR exist for most call flows that require one)
- Xfer to VM template (put your voice mail number here, modify for different voice mail options)
- Main Greeting (get and collect menu)
- Xfer Menu 2 (sub menu for main greeting, to keep the list shorter!)
- Main Queue Hold with Call Back Option (model for which copy and save to another name to match CX for specific CSQ’s)
- After Hours Call Handler
- Xfer Personal Queue (used to provide a template for agents with a personal queue, usually has a DID associated with it).
The “MainGreeting” script has calls to two Lambda functions and you will need to modify the ARN in the “invoke AWS Lambda functions”. One function checks for holiday or ad-hoc closings and should be placed before you check for normal hours of operation. The other lambda function adds the caller to queue for the live look feature. This should be placed after you set the queue but before you transfer the caller to the queue.
Again, these scripts are provided as models and they will work just fine if you change all of the names and functions. For example the names of the Queues in your instance will need to be used instead of the demo queue that is referenced in the scripts. Attempt to publish the the Contact Flow and you can easily see what needs to be changed!
The Main Queue Hold with Call Back flow is called by an incoming phone call (yes every call to AWS is queued while looking for an available agent) and is referenced in the Main Greeting. If an agent is not available, this script will take over. It provides a “poor mans” Estimated Wait Time routine that offers a “call back” option or enables the caller to remain in queue for the next available agent.
The After hours Call handler is used to process the caller if they hit the queue after business hours. It offers the option to send an SMS text notification to an on call team mate. The function used is NOT included in the script.
ConnecPath is rapidly implementing multi-media and omni-channel options as we execute our product road map! These scripts support ConnecPath options through March 15, 2019.